Optimization of zkSNARKs Computation Delegation: From Considering Various Approaches to Development and Implementation

Illy’s Web3 blog
4 min readJan 29, 2024


1. Optimization of Delegation: Modular Approach and MPC Protocols

1.1 Modular Approach to Computation Delegation

In the optimization of the zkSNARKs computation delegation process, a modular approach is emphasized. This approach involves breaking down complex computational processes into smaller, manageable modules, allowing for more flexible and efficient distribution of tasks among different computational nodes. Modularity means that each part of the process can be optimized separately, improving the overall performance of the system and simplifying its scalability.

An example of this approach is the division of the process into stages of processing polynomial interactive oracles (IOP) and stages of working with polynomial commitments. This allows for the optimization of each stage separately, significantly reducing the overall computational load.

1.2 Development and Optimization of MPC (Multi-Party Computation) Protocols

Multi-party computation (MPC) protocols are a key element in ensuring security and confidentiality when delegating computations. MPC allows multiple parties to jointly perform computations on their data without revealing it to each other. For zkSNARKs, MPC can be used for efficient and secure data processing while maintaining the confidentiality of the witness data.

However, traditional MPC protocols are often computationally intensive and complex to implement. Therefore, an important task is the development and optimization of MPC protocols that could be more efficient and less resource-intensive. This includes simplifying mathematical operations, reducing the amount of data exchange required between participants, and increasing the overall efficiency of algorithms.

In improving MPC protocols, special attention is given to optimizing the processing of polynomial multiplications, which are a key part of many cryptographic procedures. An important aspect here is the use of computation delegation capabilities to minimize the load on each individual participant.

2. Technical Implementation Details: Polynomial IOPs and Commitment Schemes

2.1 Features of Working with Polynomial IOPs and Commitment Schemes

Polynomial interactive oracles (IOP) and commitment schemes play an important role for optimization of zkSNARKs computation delegation. These technologies are cornerstones in creating efficient and secure zkSNARKs proofs.

Polynomial IOPs are interactive protocols in which the prover presents their arguments in the form of polynomials. In these protocols, the ability to quickly and efficiently process these polynomials, including computation, interpolation, and verification, is crucial.

Commitment schemes for polynomials allow for “locking in” a certain polynomial, creating a cryptographic commitment that can then be used within the IOP. These commitments ensure that the prover cannot change the polynomial after presenting it, thus adding an element of trust and verification to the process.

2.2 Examples of Implementation and Optimization in KCG10 and Other Systems

A key element in the implementation of efficient zkSNARKs is the optimization of existing commitment schemes, such as the KCG10 (Kate, Clifford, and Goldberger scheme). In KCG10, commitments for polynomials are built on the basis of elliptic curves, ensuring a high degree of security and efficiency.

In the process of optimizing these schemes, special attention is paid to reducing computational load and increasing data processing speed. This includes improving algorithms for fast computation of polynomial operations, such as multiplication, interpolation, and division.

Optimization is also aimed at reducing the volume of data that needs to be transferred in the process of delegation, which is especially important when working with large data sets or in conditions of limited network bandwidth.

3. Practical Application and Results: Implementation and Testing of zkSNARKs

3.1 Results of Implementation and Testing

An important stage in the development of technologies related to zkSNARKs is their practical implementation and subsequent testing. These processes allow for evaluating the effectiveness, reliability, and applicability of the developed methods and algorithms in real conditions. In the context of zkSNARKs, implementation and testing are especially important to verify the effectiveness of optimizations aimed at reducing computational load and increasing data processing speed.

Examples of implementation include the development of protocols and algorithms used to create and verify zkSNARKs proofs. These protocols and algorithms are tested on various platforms and in different conditions to assess their performance and resilience to different types of loads.

3.2 Comparative Performance Analysis on Different Devices

Comparative performance analysis on different devices is a key aspect of testing zkSNARKs. This involves evaluating performance on desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices. Such analysis helps determine optimal conditions for using zkSNARKs and identifies potential bottlenecks in performance.

During testing, special attention is paid to the time required to create and verify zkSNARKs proofs, as well as the resources needed for these processes. Comparing performance on different devices allows for a better understanding of which aspects of the technology require further optimization and which devices are best suited for certain types of tasks.

Examples of results may include a significant acceleration of the proof creation process on powerful servers compared to local computations on personal computers. Differences in performance when using different network connections may also be observed, affecting the overall efficiency of delegated computations.

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