Why do I choose Fuel?

Illy’s Web3 blog
2 min readJul 6, 2023


Fraud Protection

Fuel was specifically designed with fraud protection in mind. It enables the maintenance of clients with a minimal trust level. This, along with the availability of shared data, allows the creation of bridges with a minimal trust level to other modular execution levels (MEL). This is impossible to achieve between L1 blockchains.

In practice, this means:

  • Long-term access to liquidity
  • Users can validate the blockchain without needing to run a full node
  • Secure transfer of assets across bridges

Fuel’s fraud protection is based on the UTXO model. This means that Fuel doesn’t have a global state base or an accounts base. We might touch upon this topic in following articles.

Superior Development Experience

The Sway and Fuel toolset

FuelVM is designed for vertical integration with tools. FuelVM was built with the accompanying language Sway, which provides a variety of convenient and efficient operations.

Sway language was created based on the well-known Rust, but without unnecessary verbosity. It also uses Rust’s safety, which allows bugs and errors to be detected during compilation. Fuel Labs also developed Fuel Toolchain — a great set of tools to support and assist development.

Fuel Configurations

Since Fuel is a modular execution level, it can operate in any module separately. This allows developers to customize Fuel as necessary and disable unnecessary modules in the client.

Improved Virtual Machine

The Ethereum community has repeatedly suggested many different improvements to increase performance, however, many of these proposals have not been implemented due to breaking backward compatibility. FuelVM allows these improvements to be utilized without harming backward compatibility. Furthermore, projects don’t necessarily have to be backward-compatible.

These are far from all the advantages of Fuel, however, we will talk about others in the following articles.

Thank you for your attention!



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